1. Love and serve the Lord “And He said to him,  ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ “This is the great and foremost commandment. “The second is like it, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”  -- Matthew 22:37-40.  At Master’s Hands, we recognize this as a call to love, serve, and obey the Lord.  This is His ministry, not ours.  He is the chairman of the board, and the CEO.   He has called us to show His love to the people around us.

  2. Practical, loving service “Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, "Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well"--but then you don't give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?”  We at Master’s Hands Ministry believe in the act of practical love.  We believe that we are called to be generous with our wealth, time, and effort.

  3. Serve the Less Fortunate “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.Do not be conceited.”  --Romans 12:16. “But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” 1 John 3:17-18  The bible is full of scriptures that call us to serve those in need.  At Master’s Hands Ministries, we believe these scriptures are as much for the benefit of the giver as the receiver.  There is something mysterious that happens to your faith when you partner with the Lord in his work.

  4. Be Good Stewards When donors partner with us, we take these gifts seriously and prayerfully.  Every dollar makes a difference in Haiti.  We carefully consider how we allocate each dollar or resource to try not only to leverage the most benefit for the people we are serving, but also because we are assured that if we are faithful with little, the Lord will entrust us with much.  We know that “much” is what will be required to complete the work He is doing in Haiti


Sponsoring a child for $20 per month will cover all expenses for school tuition, school supplies and also go towards feeding the kids lunch every day, along with supplying clean water to the community [Learn more]

Sponsor a Child 1 Sponsor a Child 2 Sponsor a Child 3